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Our favourite Instagram Influencers

Written by - Bluebella
We wouldn’t be Bluebella without our gorgeous Instagram family! From sharing styling tips to expressing body positivity, our social media queens are a huge part of what makes us such a unique and contemporary brand. Our innovative designs are just too good to hide, and we love seeing our pieces styled in photoshoots and outfits. Here are some of our fave babes styling it out with Bluebella lingerie.
@_nelly_london in Nova Ivory
@_nelly_london in Nova Ivory


The stunning Nelly London uses her Instagram platform to spread a message of body positivity and acceptance through fashion and lingerie. Plus she rocks our Bluebella matching sets like no one else – what’s not to love?!
I’m proud of my body and everything it’s been through, including everything I’ve put it through. I’ve stopped apologising to it and instead started thanking my body every day for surviving, healing and now thriving, and for giving me such an incredible life. @_nelly_london


Her sternum rose tattoo is familiar to many on Instagram, not least as Bella Haig is the creator of the now iconic Nova mirror selfie #Goals
Self love should come from within and empowerment comes in so many different forms


Based in Honolulu, the gorgeous Jessica Fang not only looks stunning in body chains and Bluebella, her Instagram also gives us serious travel envy. Safe to say our lingerie looks right at home amongst the shots of her palm tree paradise.
social media influencer
@jessicafang in Nyané 
I’ve always been a little insecure about my boob size but I’ve come to learn to love my body just the way it is. Society will not let me give in to what men or anyone else says is “attractive”!


Hair and make-up guru, we’ve been working with Nyané Lebajoa for years now. Her collaborations with Bluebella have been some of our most popular collections, and with good reason – this girl has got style and then some!
bluebella social media influencer
Still so proud of this set I designed with @bluebella even my mum loves it! she says it suits every body shape. That was my goal.


@paigemarygrace? More like @paigemaryGORGEOUS! Fashion stylist, creative director and editor of PAGEONE magazine, somehow this lady still finds time to fill her Instagram with stunning pics. AND she has a kitten… #NotFair
bluebella social media influencer
We deserve and should expect positive people around us, who want the best for us, and build us up and encourage us.
And from this day forward, I’m saying adios to all the toxic people around me... family, friends, people I’m following, all of it.
Happiness, love and success is all I want.


Freelance model and Instagram queen, Fléur is the owner of an enviable wardrobe and an even more enviable attitude to life. Confident, relaxed and self-aware, Fléur works her Bluebella into casual outfits, giving us some real #UnderwearAsOuterwear inspiration.
@withlovefleur in Karolina 
Dress to impress yourself
We love to see how you’re all styling your Bluebella, so remember to follow us on Instagram and tag us @bluebella in your pics!


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